Embrace the stars...
A short RETROSPECTIVE of 2007 – Watch our latest Video HERE!
Reaching for a Star Campaign - 2007
To Date: USD$775,00
Beginning with three contributions of USD$50,00 each for the "purchase" of three personalized CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATES to friends and family from a Flickr member, the Reaching for a Star Campaign 2007 got off to a roaring start this week.
I hope many of Flickr's members, new to the community, will discover this alternative method of giving at Christmas, ideal for friends and family whom you feel already have everything.
Still having problems trying to decide what to give at Christmas?
Then this is surely the ideal gift that everyone will appreciate. Our children certainly do!
Simply go to our Christmas Gift Certificate Campaign Page and decide how much you would like to give by clicking on one of the donation buttons provided on the page. You can give any amount you desire.
This will bring you to our PayPal payments page ( PayPal is a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 153 million accounts worldwide. No need to worry, you don't need to have an account because payments can be made using most credit cards).
Don't forget to leave a message on the PayPal payments form stating who your certificate is to be made out to and from whom it is being given. We will then prepare your personalized gift certificate with those names and e-mail it off to you ready for printing on your desktop printer. Fast and easy without even leaving your computer.
100% of your gift goes towards the Hummingbird Project, attending more than 600 underprivileged children. This year's campaign funds will be used for purchasing musical instruments for our new community prevention centre in Sítio Joaninha due to open in February 2008.
This will be the first social development program available to at-risk community children in the region and a most important step towards bettering their lives.
Please join us to make it the success they deserve!
Gregory J. Smith
Social Entrepreneur and Founder
The Children At Risk Foundation - CARF
Gregory Smith,
My question concerns planning for the continuation of the organization once you are no longer able to lead it. Has this been done?
Carolyn Will 1/5/08
Thank you Carolyn for your important concern. Happily I am able to say that we are planning ahead and hopefully within the next couple of years our programmes in Brazil and the organization running them will not depend as strongly on my presence as they have done these last few years. We have a strong group of fast developing young community entrepreneurs who I know would never let 15 years of solid social entrepreneurship die after my leadership ceases to exist. They are prepared to take over at any time.
By the way supporters, the latest update on our Christmas Campaign is USD$2.165,00
My sincere thanks to all.......
I congratulate CARF Brazil for its beautiful job. I love this blog.
From Canary Islands, Spain.
Greetings to everyone.
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