Monday, August 07, 2006


World Ceasefire Vigil
Originally uploaded by carf.

During the last week I’m sure there are many visitors to the Flickr photostreams who have noticed all the small black ribbons that Flickrites are now using as their buddy icons. Those icons represent more than just another Flickr identity, they represent a strong desire for world peace and a stop to the recent war breakout, by the many who have chosen to wear them for this peace action, an important action against yet another war to destroy thousands of innocent citizens, their families, their homes and their countries.

This is why over 4000 Flickrites decided to unite their actions this last week in a group called MUNDO UNO

…and the group is constantly growing as one of the fastest and most
meaningful on Flickr.

* MUNDO UNO is a call for peace.
* MUNDO UNO is a virtual protest against the madness of the war.
* MUNDO UNO is a way to say: stop the killing of civilians in both sides.

Shall we be ONE, one world, one face, one people to change this?

I hope and believe so and that is why I am asking you, my Flickr friends and contacts and anyone else visiting this Blog, to be part of this important action for World Peace.

Please join us today and take part in the group's CEASEFIRE action in
support of Amnesty International's WORLD CEASEFIRE VIGIL.
More information about this can be found in the group's discussion

I thank you and I'm sure our group members thank you.

Gregory J. Smith (CARF)
Social Entrepreneur and Founder
Children At Risk Foundation - CARF


At 3:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


gostaria de entrar em contato sobre um projeto de documentário a ser feito aqui no brasil sobre crianças de rua e crianças que vivem em favelas.
Não consigo encontrar o endereço de e-mail de vocês para enviar as propostas e objetivos deste documentário.
conhecendo o trabalho da carf, acho que seria de extrema valia registrá-lo neste documentário.
por favor, entrem em contato assim que possível.
caroline leone

At 3:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gregory, does CARF have a 501c3 status? I am trying to make a matching donation through the company I work for and they require the 501c3 status...Thanks.

At 3:37 pm, Blogger CARF Brazil said...

Dear Luciana,
CARF has the Norwegian equivalent of a 501c3 status in Norway as the Foundation's base is there and also where we receive all contributions to our programmes for children at risk in Brazil.

I can send you details for transfering any funds you can manage from abroad to my Foundation if you send your e-mail address to:

At 12:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not have much money but I do have time. How can somebody volunteer with your organization?
I am at a point in my life where I want to do something worthwhile with my life. I am tired of just working to earn money. I sincerely want to make a diference in somebodys life. I have thought about doing what you did Gregory in selling everything and moving to a place and helping those who really need it. I am serious about this but not sure where to start. I have been to Brazil many times and love the work you are doing. I have many skills to offer to enrich peoples lives.

How does one do this?

You can email me at

thank you


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Aimed at impoverished younger children participating in our Street Migration Prevention Programme, normally aged between 11 and 14 years of age. This scholarship guarantees their active participation at the Hummingbird Activity Center alongside their essential attendance in public schools. The scholarship helps combat child labor in high-risk families by preventing these children becoming new victims. The scholarship is awarded to those in particularly difficult life situations where survival often becomes a more important factor than the child’s educational needs and mental and physical health. As a regular sponsor you will have the opportunity to stay in contact with your scholarship holder and to follow the changes your sponsorship will be making in this child's life.

Intermediate Scholarships - USD$60.00 - $70.00 per month

This youth scholarship is aimed at developing vocational interests in young people as they grow with our programme, guaranteeing their commitment and eventually leading them on towards an advanced scholarship. A firmer step towards their personal life project. As a regular sponsor you will have the opportunity to stay in contact with your scholarship holder and to follow the changes your sponsorship will be making in this young person's life.

Advanced Scholarship - USD$80.00 - $100.00 per month

Aimed to inspire older youth reach their potential in whatever area they are developing natural or acquired abilities in programmes at the Hummingbird Activity Centre. The scholarship can be used to cover costs for supplementary, external educational courses or for extra training sessions and materials. Such funds would otherwise be an impossible priority for them to obtain within an impoverished family situation. As a regular sponsor you will have the opportunity to stay in contact with your scholarship holder and to follow the changes your sponsorship will be making in this young person's life.